Happy New Year From Scotmas.

Scotmas Recognised for Outstanding IP100 Performance

Scotmas has received a prestigious accolade from the IP100 Community. We have been recognised for our outstanding performance in the Trade Secrets asset class, securing a remarkable 3rd position and 11th place in the Top 50 of the Dynamic IP League Table. The recognition is a testament to the unwavering commitment and dedication of every…

Iron and Manganese Removal in Wastewater Treatment

Iron and Manganese Removal in Wastewater Treatment

Iron and manganese, common elements found in wastewater systems, can cause discolouration and staining, and also interfere with system effectiveness. Effective removal of these metals is essential for maintaining water quality and complying with regulatory standards. Challenges of Iron and Manganese in Wastewater The presence of iron and manganese in water can cause significant challenges…

Interaction of Aluminium with Water and Chlorine Dioxide

Interaction of Aluminium with Water

Aluminium, the third most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, is a versatile metal with various applications ranging from industrial manufacturing to household items. Despite its prevalence, the interaction of aluminium with water, its subsequent environmental impact, and health effects require careful consideration, especially when present in significant amounts in our aquatic ecosystems. Aluminium reacts…

Revolucionando o tratamento municipal de água: A potencial mudança do Brasil para a tecnologia de dióxido de cloro

Revolucionando o tratamento municipal de água: A potencial mudança do Brasil para a tecnologia de dióxido de cloro

Na agitada paisagem urbana do Brasil, as concessionárias municipais de água produzem água potável por meio de inúmeras estações de tratamento de água, sendo que algumas megaestações fornecem a impressionante quantidade de 2 bilhões de litros de água diariamente. No entanto, a marcha implacável do crescimento populacional encapsulou essas instalações em ambientes urbanos densos, complicando…

Revolucionando o tratamento municipal de água: A potencial mudança do Brasil para a tecnologia de dióxido de cloro

Revolutionising Municipal Water Treatment: Brazil’s Potential Shift to Chlorine Dioxide Technology

In the bustling urban landscape of Brazil, municipal water utilities produce potable water through numerous water treatment plants (WTPs), some mega plants supply a staggering 2 billion litres of water daily. However, the relentless march of population growth has encapsulated these facilities within dense urban environments, complicating their operations significantly. The triple threat of water…

The Game Changer in Food Processing: Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine Dioxide: The Game Changer in Food Processing

As consumers become increasingly aware of the importance of food safety, food processing manufacturers are constantly seeking innovative solutions to meet these expectations. Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2), is a potent biocide that is revolutionising the way we approach sanitation in food processing. Chlorine Dioxide has emerged as a powerful alternative to traditional sanitisers due to its…

Chlorine Dioxide: A Safer and More Effective Alternative to Chlorine Gas for Water Treatment

Chlorine Dioxide: A Safer and More Effective Alternative to Chlorine Gas for Water Treatment

The intersection of escalating water pollution, burgeoning populations, and the unpredictable shifts of climate change has significantly intensified the contamination of global water supplies.  This triad of environmental stressors presents a substantial hurdle in upholding the sanctity of water purity, an essential component for life and health.  Amidst this backdrop, the conventional method of employing…

Combating Grey Mould in Cut Roses with Chlorine Dioxide

Combating Grey Mould in Cut Roses with Chlorine Dioxide

Cut roses are synonymous with beauty, fragrance, and elegance. However, their allure can be swiftly marred by the onset of grey mould, known scientifically as Botrytis cinerea. This pervasive fungal disease not only sullies the aesthetic of these blooms but also shortens their vase life, presenting a significant challenge for floriculturists and enthusiasts alike. Understanding…

Chlorine Dioxide Water Treatment in the UK Fish Industry

Chlorine Dioxide Water Treatment in the UK Fish Industry

In the UK fish processing industry, maintaining the highest standards of water purity and hygiene is crucial for ensuring the safety and quality of seafood products. Chlorine Dioxide has emerged as a highly effective water treatment solution, offering superior disinfection capabilities without the drawbacks associated with traditional biocides like chlorine. This article outlines the benefits…

The Role of Chlorine Dioxide in Enhancing Vertical Farming Ecosystems

The Role of Chlorine Dioxide in Enhancing Vertical Farming Ecosystems

Vertical farming, a solution to sustainable agriculture in urban environments, relies heavily on maintaining optimal conditions for plant growth. One of the critical components of these controlled environments is water quality, where Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) plays a pivotal role. This article explores the myriad benefits of Chlorine Dioxide water treatment to vertical farming systems, underscoring…