The Alpha R Chlorine Dioxide generator & dosing unit from Scotmas offers a simple and cost-effective solution for water disinfection.

It is designed to replace the use of manual dosing with water disinfectant tablets or hazardous “pre-activated” disinfecting solutions. It effectively combats waterborne bacteria like Pseudomonas, Legionella, and coliforms.

The Alpha R is suitable for remote or off-grid locations and can be operated using mains, solar, or battery power. It also comes with an optional water quality sensor. Installation is quick and easy and does not require specialised skills.

The microprocessor-controlled Alpha R features a simple menu-driven display and can dose Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) directly in proportion to signals from an industry-standard pulsed water meter. Once installed, you can set the amount of chlorine dioxide required using the display, and minimal operator input is needed thereafter.

Cost-effective and Low-maintenance

The Alpha R system has proportional dosing in accordance with inputs from an external water meter. Chemical concentration sensors and internal timers can moderate these inputs if required. With just 5 litres of each precursor chemical, the Alpha system can treat around 250,000 litres of water, making it highly cost-effective and low-maintenance.

The Alpha R is flexible and can be configured for a wide range of small-scale water disinfection applications. The reactor system is safe and easy to use, making it an ideal alternative to traditional chlorine dioxide generators.

Alpha R Control Unit - Scotmas
Alpha R - In Line diagram. Scotmas - Chlorine Dioxide Specialist
Water Flows100 - 12,000 l/hour @ 0.5 mg/l ClO2
Dosing ControlProportional dosing in accordance with digital water meter input
PumpsDigital dosing pumps designed to operate over 15 year life cycle
Chlorine Dioxide GradeWater Treatment Grade to BS EN 12671
Alpha R - In Tank diagram. Scotmas - Chlorine Dioxide Specialist
Water FlowsMaximum 12,000 l/hr with Alpha R as standard
Dosing ControlProportional dosing in accordance with digital water meter input
PumpsPeristaltic dosing pumps
Chlorine Dioxide GradeWater Treatment Grade to BS EN 12671
Alpha R - In Line
Alpha R - In Line diagram. Scotmas - Chlorine Dioxide Specialist
Water Flows100 - 12,000 l/hour @ 0.5 mg/l ClO2
Dosing ControlProportional dosing in accordance with digital water meter input
PumpsDigital dosing pumps designed to operate over 15 year life cycle
Chlorine Dioxide GradeWater Treatment Grade to BS EN 12671
Alpha R - In Tank
Alpha R - In Tank diagram. Scotmas - Chlorine Dioxide Specialist
Water FlowsMaximum 12,000 l/hr with Alpha R as standard
Dosing ControlProportional dosing in accordance with digital water meter input
PumpsPeristaltic dosing pumps
Chlorine Dioxide GradeWater Treatment Grade to BS EN 12671

In tank dosing is often promoted as a low cost, simple method of adding biocides to water distribution systems. This is only half the picture, as whilst it may be more expensive to install, in line dosing has several distinct advantages over in tank, advantages that more than justify any extra cost or time involved in initial system installation.

In Tank Versus In Line

Alpha R Chlorine Dioxide Generator - In Tank Versus In Line diagram.
Alpha R Chlorine Dioxide Generator - In Tank Versus In Line diagram.
Alpha R Chlorine Dioxide Generator - In Tank Versus In Line diagram.
Alpha R Chlorine Dioxide Generator - In Tank Versus In Line diagram.
Alpha R Chlorine Dioxide Generator - In Tank Versus In Line diagram.

Purify | Protect | Perform

+44 (0)1573 226901

Cidox+ Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection Tablets


Alpha R Chlorine Dioxide Generator

Alpha R

Bravo WA Chlorine Dioxide Generator

Bravo WA

Delta Chlorine Dioxide Generator.

Delta WA

Bravo MX Chlorine Dioxide Generator

Bravo MX

UltraPure Chlorine Dioxide Generator

Bravo UltraPure

Typical Applications

The Alpha R can be employed across several applications including –

Private Water Supplies

Robust, consistent, low maintenance water quality control for boreholes and other private water supplies, with the option to use solar or battery power


Can be installed to sheds, outbuildings and other difficult to access locations. Chlorine dioxide leaves
no residual taste or odour, maximising stock intake.

Food Processing

Simple to install, simple to use, ensures that water passes all regulatory and customer standards without any residual taste or odour.

Small Buildings

Ensure that water supplies pass all regulatory standards by preventing biofilm build up. Install the generator, set the amount of Chlorine Dioxide
required and leave it.

Light Industry

Consistent reliable dosing of closed and open systems to negate the risk of Legionella and other microbiological growth.