How Scotmas Delivers Sustainable Development Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 goals established in 2015 as part of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The SDGs aim to address key global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental degradation. Each goal has specific targets and indicators to measure progress towards achieving them.

The SDGs are a call to action for governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals to work together to create a more sustainable and equitable world for present and future generations.

Scotmas has identified eight Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) out of the 17 outlined in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that we can make a significant contribution to addressing through our activities and solutions.

Our technology and approach can have a positive impact on these areas. Below is an overview of how Scotmas is contributing to the SDGs.

UN Sustainable Development Goals
SDGScotmas Impact
3 Good Health And Well-BeingScotmas ClO2 technology eliminates the potentially carcinogenic byproducts of chlorinating water from water supplies, allowing World Health Organisation objectives to be met.
6 Clean Water and SanitationScotmas ClO2 technology is one of the most effective means of controlling dangerous bacteria and viruses in water supplies, particularly when this water is sourced from challenging sources such as waste water recycling or desalination, increasingly required as a result of water stress. Chlorine DIoxide is a powerful and efficient oxidising agent that can effectively eliminate waterbourne pathogens without producing harmful by-products such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs).
8 Decent Work And Economic GrowthScotmas are resolutely committed to Fair Work, and were the first accredited private sector Real Living Wage Employer in the Scottish Borders. Our commitment continues through our bCorp programme which commits us to globally leading ESG practices.
9 Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureBy improving the efficiency of industrial processes such as heating and cooling systems through the removal of biological fouling contamination, efficiency gains of up to 10% can be made, with consequent savings on energy costs and CO2 output. Our sophisticated dosing and monitoring technology allows clients to monitor and evidence these improvements leading to carbon credits where available.
11 Sustainable Cities And CommunitiesWater stress is impacting on human life in many parts of the World. Our technologies enable the use of novel technologies such as desalination and waste water recycling, ensuring that clean, safe drinking water is available to all. By transitioning water treatment practices away from the use of gaseous chlorine, the safety of communities surrounding water treatment works is improved, preventing accidental exposure to hazardous chemicals.
13 Climate ActionIn water stressed countries, around 10-15% of electricity consumption is taken up by the production and distribution of water, with desalination processes being a major contributor to that figure8. Our technologies eliminate inefficient electrochlorination and remove power-hungry biofouling from these processes, In the Arabian Gulf region alone, we estimate that our technology is capable of reducing power consumption from desalination operations by 15.9 GW. - more than the entire solar power generation capacity in the UK.
14 Life Below WaterDesalination and industrial cooling processes are currently responsible for discharging several hundred thousand tonnes of environmentally persistent, chlorinated organic compounds to the sea each year. The safe ClO2 chemistry developed by Scotmas eliminates these discharges, reducing pressure on coastal ecosystems and reducing the risk of high volume chemical handling. The ClO2 disinfection process produces by-products that degrade down to simple salts resulting in an environmentally neutral reaction.
17 Partnerships For The GoalsThis SDG commits to “Enhance North-South, and triangular regional and international cooperation on and access to science, technology and innovation and enhanced knowledge sharing.” In line with our bCorp principles, Scotmas are committed to upskilling and embedding our technologies in the global markets we serve. We are carrying out active collaborative R&D in overseas universities, supported by Scottish Academics, and are using emerging technologies such as augmented reality systems to allow our staff to better train and support technicians in international markets.

Purify | Protect | Perform

We are proud of our reputation for innovation!

Scotmas is a dynamic global business which has grown rapidly to become one of the world’s leaders in water treatment, hygiene and biosecurity technologies.