Biofilm Formation in Drinking Water Treatment Systems : Scotmas.

What is Biofilm And How Can You Prevent It?

Biofilm is a slimy and sticky layer that can be found on various surfaces, including drinking water pipes. It is a complex community of microorganisms that can have harmful effects if not appropriately managed. When biofilm forms in drinking water treatment systems, it can cause problems such as reduced water flow, increased energy consumption, and…

Chemist working in lab. Scotmas - Chlorine Dioxide Specialist.

Leading the Way in Innovative, Efficient and Safe Chlorine Dioxide Generation Systems

Scotmas has been at the forefront of developing and manufacturing advanced Chlorine Dioxide generation systems for over 25 years.  Chlorine Dioxide is a highly effective disinfectant that has become increasingly popular recently for its ability to kill pathogens without leaving harmful residues. Scotmas provides reliable protection against waterborne pathogens like Legionella and Pseudomonas using advanced…

RO Membrane Fouling - Scotmas Chlorine Dioxide

What is Reverse Osmosis?

Reverse Osmosis is a highly effective water purification process that uses a semi-permeable membrane to filter out impurities and contaminants from water. This process is widely used in industry and communities to provide clean, purified water that is safe for drinking and other uses. The reverse osmosis process is a water purification technology that involves…

Effective Macrofouling Control with Active Chlorine Dioxide Dosing

Effective Macrofouling Control with Active Chlorine Dioxide Dosing

Macrofouling is a widespread problem in seawater cooling disinfection applications. Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2 ) has emerged as a go-to solution for macrofouling control due to its superior efficiency and environmental performance compared to traditional treatments such as electrochlorination and bromine-based treatments. While ClO2 is more expensive than most traditional treatments, its economic benefits outweigh the…