Scotmas offers a reliable Chlorine Dioxide-based technology that effectively removes iron and manganese from drinking water.
Our technology also eliminates the risks associated with high levels of THM and bromate in heavily chlorinated water.
With approval from the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI), we have the engineering expertise to deliver bespoke Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) water treatment systems that meet your specific requirements.
We cater to a range of needs, from simple bore-well treatment plants to integrated solutions for primary oxidation of iron and manganese and secondary disinfection of distribution systems. Our Chlorine Dioxide drinking water treatment systems are built in-house at our ISO-certified engineering site, ensuring top-notch build quality.
We have extensive experience in applying Chlorine Dioxide in challenging environments and can help you tackle complex taste and odour contaminants from your drinking water supplies. Our professional ClO2 systems ensures minimal risk of high levels of chlorinated by-products and leads to a reduction in THM levels.