Our Chlorine Dioxide technology is robust, reliable and is designed for demanding applications worldwide.

Our ClO2 systems are installed in various applications, from small pack cooling towers to power station seawater intakes and paper mill water handling applications.

Scotmas’ Chlorine Dioxide technology is perfect for hydrocarbon extraction applications due to its high oxidation capacity and low oxidation strength. It’s a reliable and environmentally safe solution for biofouling, which can help improve heat transfer efficiency and reduce maintenance costs.

Our team has extensive experience in creating systems that meet specific needs, ranging from pre-fabricated solutions to customised engineered plants.

Scotmas also offers a fully managed engineering solution, including installation and site E&I controls, and EX-rated systems if required.

Sewage work - waste water treatment
Wastewater treatment. Scotmas - Chlorine Dioxide Specialist.

As well as being a powerful disinfectant, ClO2 can also be used to oxidise challenging wastewater pollutants such as cyanide, phenols, sulphides, iron and manganese from industrial wastewater streams

Where low levels of persistent industrial residuals are found in wastewater, Chlorine Dioxide can often strike the ideal balance between a low cost, environmentally friendly treatment for these waste streams, when compared with chemical and capital intensive programs based on peroxide and/or UV.

Used as a complement to advanced biological wastewater treatment systems that are designed to treat the bulk of the waste stream, chlorine dioxide can be used as a polishing agent for the final stream. Unlike chlorine based treatments, ClO2 does not form complex chlorinated by-products, and can often be discharged to watercourses without dechlorination, eventually degrading to salt. Unlike peroxide based systems, no catalysts or pH adjustments are required, with most ClO2 action taking place within the normal pH range.

Scotmas have developed advanced wastewater treatment systems for chemical processing plants, mining and refinery operations, and have the in house chemistry, microbiology and engineering talents to deliver a system suitable for your individual requirements, and with the data logging and environmental monitoring systems demanded by your regulators.

Sewage work - waste water treatment

Chlorine Dioxide is a low-cost, highly effective alternative to commonly used UV and Peroxide treatments in wastewater disinfection.

As regulatory compliance becomes increasingly complex, most operators seek alternatives to traditional chlorination using gaseous chlorine and hypochlorite.

Chlorine Dioxide wastewater treatment offers a safe, environmentally friendly alternative ideally suited for wastewater applications. Chlorine Dioxide does not produce toxic chlorinated by-products as a result of disinfection, and its selective action ensures that it does not react with inert compounds in the same way as peroxides and ozone, drastically reducing the dose rates needed.

Chlorine Dioxide can handle turbid waters and requires minimal maintenance, making it an ideal alternative to UV systems. Unlike UV, Chlorine Dioxide will also remove both H2S odours and the sulphide-reducing bacteria that cause odour complaints and corrosion.

Chlorine Dioxide degrades to harmless salt in wastewater networks, making it an ideal environmentally friendly alternative.

Scotmas manufactures robust and reliable Chlorine Dioxide disinfection systems for wastewater treatment and odour control applications. Our systems come with full onboard data logging and control for environmental audit purposes. Contact us now to learn more about our Chlorine Dioxide disinfection systems and how they can help you achieve your wastewater treatment goals.

Industrial Odour Control. Scotmas - Chlorine Dioxide Specialist.

Chlorine Dioxide is effective across a broad pH range, and unlike chlorine will oxidise a number of odour causing compounds without forming toxic chlorinated by-products.

Effectively controlling industrial odour emissions requires a deep understanding of the upstream process, and any variability that might occur. Often, a combination of alkaline and basic scrubbing systems, and/or barrier misting systems are required to achieve complete control.

Chlorine Dioxide can form an important part of this control system. Scotmas work with leading manufacturers of scrubber and barrier mists systems to integrate effective chlorine dioxide treatments into the treatment chain.

Chlorine Dioxide is particularly effective against sulphides, mercaptans, secondary and tertiary amines where its powerful, non-chlorinating oxidative action oxidises the compound to non-odour producing components, without producing chlorinated organic compounds that are so hazardous in wastewater discharges.

Chlorine Dioxide can be added to once through and recirculating scrubber systems easily and cheaply using our Alpha dosing systems, or even directly without a generation system to recirculating acidic systems.

In temporary barrier misting systems, Chlorine Dioxide can again be applied as a simple tablet to the feed bowser, or via a simple continuous dosing system. Scotmas provide simple colour change dip test kits to help you ensure that Chlorine Dioxide is being delivered efficiently and safely to your system.

Industrial Cooling Towers. Scotmas - Chlorine Dioxide Specialist.

Chlorine Dioxide solutions from Scotmas offer operators a unique opportunity to save costs while protecting the environment.

Cooling tower operators must ensure safety from bacterial infections such as Legionella while under pressure to reduce operating costs.

Biofilm buildup on condenser plates and cooling tower packs acts as an insulating layer, slowing down heat transfer, reducing water flow and increasing pumping costs, as well as being a harbour for dangerous legionella bacteria which live alongside scale, pseudomonas and other bacteria in a slimy layer found on plate surfaces and pipework.

Biofilm also poses a threat to asset integrity. Bacteria at the base layer of the film can create an anaerobic, corrosive environment and feed from plastic and metal structures, passing on nutrients to other nearby bacteria. This phenomenon, called biocorrosion, regularly leads to pack collapses and poor water flow throughout the tower, requiring expensive and disruptive pack changes and increased energy costs to pump water around the tower.

Scotmas Chlorine Dioxide solutions for cooling towers are designed to minimise these risks. Our online, fully automatic dosing systems add a controlled amount of chlorine dioxide sufficient to remove biofilm, keeping heat transfer surfaces clean and free of biofilm. Frictional losses and pumping costs are reduced, and ∆T has significant improvements.

Applied by your water treatment professional as part of a program of cooling tower hygiene, Scotmas Chlorine Dioxide solutions can be used in the smallest forced draft towers and wet chillers, typically used in the injection moulding and plastics extrusion industry, through to the largest industrial cooling networks such as found in power stations and petrochemical refineries.

Industrial Wastewater
Wastewater treatment. Scotmas - Chlorine Dioxide Specialist.

As well as being a powerful disinfectant, ClO2 can also be used to oxidise challenging wastewater pollutants such as cyanide, phenols, sulphides, iron and manganese from industrial wastewater streams

Where low levels of persistent industrial residuals are found in wastewater, Chlorine Dioxide can often strike the ideal balance between a low cost, environmentally friendly treatment for these waste streams, when compared with chemical and capital intensive programs based on peroxide and/or UV.

Used as a complement to advanced biological wastewater treatment systems that are designed to treat the bulk of the waste stream, chlorine dioxide can be used as a polishing agent for the final stream. Unlike chlorine based treatments, ClO2 does not form complex chlorinated by-products, and can often be discharged to watercourses without dechlorination, eventually degrading to salt. Unlike peroxide based systems, no catalysts or pH adjustments are required, with most ClO2 action taking place within the normal pH range.

Scotmas have developed advanced wastewater treatment systems for chemical processing plants, mining and refinery operations, and have the in house chemistry, microbiology and engineering talents to deliver a system suitable for your individual requirements, and with the data logging and environmental monitoring systems demanded by your regulators.

Wastewater Treatment
Sewage work - waste water treatment

Chlorine Dioxide is a low-cost, highly effective alternative to commonly used UV and Peroxide treatments in wastewater disinfection.

As regulatory compliance becomes increasingly complex, most operators seek alternatives to traditional chlorination using gaseous chlorine and hypochlorite.

Chlorine Dioxide wastewater treatment offers a safe, environmentally friendly alternative ideally suited for wastewater applications. Chlorine Dioxide does not produce toxic chlorinated by-products as a result of disinfection, and its selective action ensures that it does not react with inert compounds in the same way as peroxides and ozone, drastically reducing the dose rates needed.

Chlorine Dioxide can handle turbid waters and requires minimal maintenance, making it an ideal alternative to UV systems. Unlike UV, Chlorine Dioxide will also remove both H2S odours and the sulphide-reducing bacteria that cause odour complaints and corrosion.

Chlorine Dioxide degrades to harmless salt in wastewater networks, making it an ideal environmentally friendly alternative.

Scotmas manufactures robust and reliable Chlorine Dioxide disinfection systems for wastewater treatment and odour control applications. Our systems come with full onboard data logging and control for environmental audit purposes. Contact us now to learn more about our Chlorine Dioxide disinfection systems and how they can help you achieve your wastewater treatment goals.

Odour Control
Industrial Odour Control. Scotmas - Chlorine Dioxide Specialist.

Chlorine Dioxide is effective across a broad pH range, and unlike chlorine will oxidise a number of odour causing compounds without forming toxic chlorinated by-products.

Effectively controlling industrial odour emissions requires a deep understanding of the upstream process, and any variability that might occur. Often, a combination of alkaline and basic scrubbing systems, and/or barrier misting systems are required to achieve complete control.

Chlorine Dioxide can form an important part of this control system. Scotmas work with leading manufacturers of scrubber and barrier mists systems to integrate effective chlorine dioxide treatments into the treatment chain.

Chlorine Dioxide is particularly effective against sulphides, mercaptans, secondary and tertiary amines where its powerful, non-chlorinating oxidative action oxidises the compound to non-odour producing components, without producing chlorinated organic compounds that are so hazardous in wastewater discharges.

Chlorine Dioxide can be added to once through and recirculating scrubber systems easily and cheaply using our Alpha dosing systems, or even directly without a generation system to recirculating acidic systems.

In temporary barrier misting systems, Chlorine Dioxide can again be applied as a simple tablet to the feed bowser, or via a simple continuous dosing system. Scotmas provide simple colour change dip test kits to help you ensure that Chlorine Dioxide is being delivered efficiently and safely to your system.

Recirculating Cooling Towers
Industrial Cooling Towers. Scotmas - Chlorine Dioxide Specialist.

Chlorine Dioxide solutions from Scotmas offer operators a unique opportunity to save costs while protecting the environment.

Cooling tower operators must ensure safety from bacterial infections such as Legionella while under pressure to reduce operating costs.

Biofilm buildup on condenser plates and cooling tower packs acts as an insulating layer, slowing down heat transfer, reducing water flow and increasing pumping costs, as well as being a harbour for dangerous legionella bacteria which live alongside scale, pseudomonas and other bacteria in a slimy layer found on plate surfaces and pipework.

Biofilm also poses a threat to asset integrity. Bacteria at the base layer of the film can create an anaerobic, corrosive environment and feed from plastic and metal structures, passing on nutrients to other nearby bacteria. This phenomenon, called biocorrosion, regularly leads to pack collapses and poor water flow throughout the tower, requiring expensive and disruptive pack changes and increased energy costs to pump water around the tower.

Scotmas Chlorine Dioxide solutions for cooling towers are designed to minimise these risks. Our online, fully automatic dosing systems add a controlled amount of chlorine dioxide sufficient to remove biofilm, keeping heat transfer surfaces clean and free of biofilm. Frictional losses and pumping costs are reduced, and ∆T has significant improvements.

Applied by your water treatment professional as part of a program of cooling tower hygiene, Scotmas Chlorine Dioxide solutions can be used in the smallest forced draft towers and wet chillers, typically used in the injection moulding and plastics extrusion industry, through to the largest industrial cooling networks such as found in power stations and petrochemical refineries.


Expert Consultation and Guidance from Scotmas

With years of experience using ClO2 in various challenging environments, Scotmas is well-equipped to tackle complex issues.

By filling out the form on this page, you can receive detailed information and personalised consultation from our highly qualified experts.

We can provide world-class expertise and guidance on all aspects of water disinfection, including regulatory compliance and environmental stewardship.

Let us help you ensure the safety and quality of your water.

Reducing Odour in Industrial Wastewater with Chlorine Dioxide

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Purify | Protect | Perform

+44 (0)1573 226901

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Check out some interesting facts about our products.

Water Disinfection Expertise

Scotmas is known for its expertise in water disinfection technologies, particularly in the field of chlorine dioxide generation and application.

Global Presence

Scotmas serves customers worldwide and has a global presence, providing water treatment solutions to a wide range of industries.

Sustainable Solutions

The company is committed to providing sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions.

Innovative Technology

Scotmas has a reputation for innovation in water treatment and continuously develop and improve to meet the evolving needs of our customers.

Compliance and Certification

Scotmas adheres to strict industry standards and holds a wide range of accreditations ensuring the quality and safety of our products.