Disinfect seawater intakes, pre treatment, RO membranes and finished stock from one Ultra-Pure system, without creating disinfection by products (DBP).

Scotmas Bravo Ultra-Pure (BUP) is our unique, patented Chlorine Dioxide generation system, designed to produce the purest Chlorine Dioxide solution.

A physical barrier prevents impurities and disinfection by products (DBP) from reaching the finished water, leaving a solution which has been independently tested to be 99.7% pure.

The Scotmas Bravo Ultra-Pure Generation and Dosing System is a technology patented, WIMES (Water Industry Mechanical and Electrical Specifications) compliant system which introduces a stream of ultrapure Chlorine Dioxide solution (100% ClO2) into the treated water stream, without any other generation byproducts (GBP) from the reactor.

Chlorine Dioxide is produced in small volumes as required by the demand from the water being treated – no storage of Chlorine Dioxide solution is required or performed.

For SWRO, Scotmas Bravo Ultra-Pure separation technologies remove and recycle excess acids and reaction by-products from the Chlorine Dioxide stream, provide the opportunity to maintain desalination membrane osmotic pressure at design levels, keep energy consumption constant, increase membrane longevity and significantly reduce CIP cleaning.

Scotmas Bravo Ultra-Pure Chlorine Dioxide Generator
Bravo Ultra-Pure PLC - Scotmas

Bravo Ultra-Pure Generators are only specified with premium PLCs and circuitry to provide the reliability and durability necessary for high volume disinfection applications.

Where required, PLCs and other key components can be specified by customers to meet project specific requirements.

Scotmas work with Siemens, Allen-Bradley, Schneider and Mitsubishi, other PLC manufacturers can be selected on request.

All control systems are supplied in secure, skid mounted enclosures ready for install to site, or within our rapid deployment containerised systems.

Bravo Ultra-Pure Dosing Pumps - Scotmas

Multiple-point dosing provides significant savings over traditional approaches.

The Bravo Ultra-Pure offers the ability to dose different levels of Chlorine Dioxide independently at up to 12 points throughout the site via DSX Multi Point Dosing Technology, eliminating the need for multiple generation systems or intermediate bulk storage of Chlorine Dioxide solutions.

System failure risk is reduced – there are fewer pumps, fewer motors, less pipework and less space required, reducing risk of component failure and ensuring a more reliable, lower cost Chlorine Dioxide dosing system.

Each DSX manifold is supplied complete with all instrumentation, pipework and control valves to manage variable Chlorine Dioxide dosing at all required locations.

Bravo Ultra-Pure Container - Scotmas

Scotmas’ containerised water disinfection systems shorten installation time, ensure minimal on-site disruption, and can be built to clients’ individual specifications.

Pre-engineered, containerised water disinfection systems have been supplied to customers throughout the U.K., Europe, and the Middle East in sizes from small ‘plant room’ style containers to 40’ high cube units.

Systems are built in our factory from the initial supply of the empty container to the complete installation ready system, and fully tested by Scotmas, and customer representatives if required, prior to delivery on site.

On delivery, a containerised Chlorine Dioxide system is installed for minimum downtime
and on-site disruption. If site requirements change, containers can be disconnected, moved,
and reconnected much more quickly and efficiently than would be possible with an installed
solution. All systems are ISO certified.

UP 6,0006,000,000 l/hr water (144MLD) treated @ 1 mg/l ClO2 Generates up to 6,000g ClO2/hr
UP 12,00012,000,000 l/hr water (288MLD) treated @ 1 mg/l ClO2 Generates 6,000 - 12,000g ClO2/hr
UP 25,00025,000,000 l/hr water (600MLD) treated @ 1 mg/l ClO2 Generates 12,000 - 25,000g ClO2/hr
UP 40,00040,000,000 l/hr water (960MLD) treated @ 1 mg/l ClO2 Generates 25,000 - 40,000g ClO2/hr
Reliability As Standard
Bravo Ultra-Pure PLC - Scotmas

Bravo Ultra-Pure Generators are only specified with premium PLCs and circuitry to provide the reliability and durability necessary for high volume disinfection applications.

Where required, PLCs and other key components can be specified by customers to meet project specific requirements.

Scotmas work with Siemens, Allen-Bradley, Schneider and Mitsubishi, other PLC manufacturers can be selected on request.

All control systems are supplied in secure, skid mounted enclosures ready for install to site, or within our rapid deployment containerised systems.

Multi Point Dosing Technology
Bravo Ultra-Pure Dosing Pumps - Scotmas

Multiple-point dosing provides significant savings over traditional approaches.

The Bravo Ultra-Pure offers the ability to dose different levels of Chlorine Dioxide independently at up to 12 points throughout the site via DSX Multi Point Dosing Technology, eliminating the need for multiple generation systems or intermediate bulk storage of Chlorine Dioxide solutions.

System failure risk is reduced – there are fewer pumps, fewer motors, less pipework and less space required, reducing risk of component failure and ensuring a more reliable, lower cost Chlorine Dioxide dosing system.

Each DSX manifold is supplied complete with all instrumentation, pipework and control valves to manage variable Chlorine Dioxide dosing at all required locations.

Containerised Systems
Bravo Ultra-Pure Container - Scotmas

Scotmas’ containerised water disinfection systems shorten installation time, ensure minimal on-site disruption, and can be built to clients’ individual specifications.

Pre-engineered, containerised water disinfection systems have been supplied to customers throughout the U.K., Europe, and the Middle East in sizes from small ‘plant room’ style containers to 40’ high cube units.

Systems are built in our factory from the initial supply of the empty container to the complete installation ready system, and fully tested by Scotmas, and customer representatives if required, prior to delivery on site.

On delivery, a containerised Chlorine Dioxide system is installed for minimum downtime
and on-site disruption. If site requirements change, containers can be disconnected, moved,
and reconnected much more quickly and efficiently than would be possible with an installed
solution. All systems are ISO certified.

Ultra-Pure Models
UP 6,0006,000,000 l/hr water (144MLD) treated @ 1 mg/l ClO2 Generates up to 6,000g ClO2/hr
UP 12,00012,000,000 l/hr water (288MLD) treated @ 1 mg/l ClO2 Generates 6,000 - 12,000g ClO2/hr
UP 25,00025,000,000 l/hr water (600MLD) treated @ 1 mg/l ClO2 Generates 12,000 - 25,000g ClO2/hr
UP 40,00040,000,000 l/hr water (960MLD) treated @ 1 mg/l ClO2 Generates 25,000 - 40,000g ClO2/hr

Typical Applications

Seawater Intakes

Prevent macro fouling by dosing Chlorine Dioxide direct to seawater intakes. Low chemical concentration and no DBP minimise environmental impact. Scotmas Reactive Dosing™ takes account of unique patterns at the dosing location and ensures the minimum level of biocide is used to remove the target organisms.

Feedwater Pre Treatment

Pre treatment with chlorine or other biocides requires high chemical concentrations. Potential impacts include increased corrosivity and creation of toxic DBP, which can be multiplied by disinfectant reapplications further down the treatment train. Pre treatment with Ultra-Pure Chlorine Dioxide is at very low concentration, does not create DBP and minimises corrosivity risk.

Reverse Osmosis Membranes

Studies show that 20-30% of SWRO plant OPEX is due to biofouling of membranes, chlorine rapidly degrades membranes and cannot be used. Apply Ultra-Pure Chlorine Dioxide at the membrane to prevent biofilm build up, without degrading membrane, preventing biofouling giving reduced energy consumption, increased membrane life and lower maintenance costs.

Finished Water Stock

Disinfect finished water stocks prior to entry into distribution network. Unlike chlorine, disinfection throughout the treatment train with Chlorine Dioxide does not result in cumulative multiplication of disinfection by products and potential breach of WHO guidelines.

Contact Us To Learn More

Cidox+ Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection Tablets


Alpha R Chlorine Dioxide Generator

Alpha R

Bravo WA Chlorine Dioxide Generator

Bravo WA

Delta Chlorine Dioxide Generator.

Delta WA

Bravo MX Chlorine Dioxide Generator

Bravo MX

UltraPure Chlorine Dioxide Generator

Bravo UltraPure

Purify | Protect | Perform

+44 (0)1573 226901