Scotmas’ Antibacterial Medical Grade Hand Gel / Hand Sanitiser is a powerful hand gel which kills a wide range of bacteria, viruses and spores without the need for water.

Scotmas Hand Gel can be used wherever the highest standards of hand hygiene are required and is suitable for use in healthcare, food processing environments and all other workplaces where there is a risk of cross contamination.

The formula is not alcohol based and will not dry the skin or cause chafing. The product has been tested and is effective against a number of commonly occurring bacteria, yeast and viruses.

Fully Tested

Our hand gel has been tested against European Standard EN14476 and found to remove 99.9% of murine coronavirus within 60 seconds. Murine coronavirus is a laboratory surrogate for enveloped viruses including disease causing coronaviridaei such as those responsible for MERS and COVID-19.

Key Benefits

Our non-alcoholic hand sanitiser gel has several key benefits that make it a safer and more reliable choice for protecting your hands from germs and bacteria. Firstly, it provides longer lasting protection than alcohol-based sanitisers, as it does not evaporate quickly on the skin. Additionally, our gel is kind to the skin, as it does not contain alcohol, which can dry out the skin and cause irritations.

This makes it an ideal choice for those with sensitive skin or those who frequently use sanitiser gels. Our gel is non-flammable, which means that it does not require special storage conditions unlike gels with high alcohol content. This feature makes it a safer option for home use, as well as in educational or childcare settings where alcohol-free hand sanitiser gels may be preferred or required.

Independent EN Tests Results

  • EN14476: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity in disinfectants. Result: Kills up to 99.9% of coronavirus.
  • EN13727: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity. Result: Kills up to 99.999% of bacteria.
  • EN13624: Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of yeasticidal activity. Result: Kills up to 99.99% of yeasts.
  • EN1500: Evaluation of the efficacy of hand gel / hand sanitiser by measuring the number of viable bacteria remaining on the fingertips after contamination and handrub exposure. Result: Kills up to 99.9% of bacteria.

For trade / bulk / private label purchase please e mail, call 01573 226901.

Please contact us if you require copies of the MSDS or Technical Data sheets realting to our Antibacterial Medical Grade Hand Gel.

Scotmas Antibacterial Hand Gel

Contact Us

Purify | Protect | Perform

+44 (0)1573 226901